Federalist Party - vertaling naar Engels
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Federalist Party - vertaling naar Engels

Grand Old Party         
  • San Diego]] counties in [[California]], all of which were won in 2004, but lost in 2020}}
  • url-status=live }}</ref>
  • 38th]] [[governor of California]] (2003–2011)
  • 16th]] [[president of the United States]] (1861–1865) and the first Republican to hold the office
  • Americans with a bachelor's degree or higher by state
  • Annual population growth in the U.S. by county – 2010s
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  • [[Calvin Coolidge]], 30th president of the United States (1923–1929)
  • [[Charles R. Jennison]], an anti-slavery militia leader associated with the [[Jayhawkers]] from [[Kansas]] and an early Republican politician in the region
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  • 65th]] [[United States Secretary of State]] (2001–2005)
  • issn=1354-0688}}</ref> respectively.
  • [[Donald Trump]], 45th president of the United States (2017–2021)
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  • Secretary of State]] (1881; 1889–1892)
  • United States senator]] from [[Arizona]] (1987–2018)
  • [[William McKinley]], 25th president of the United States (1897–1901)
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  • [[Ronald Reagan]], 40th president of the United States (1981–1989)
  • Political parties derivation. Dotted line means unofficially.
  • [[Herbert Hoover]], 31st president of the United States (1929–1933)
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  • [[Theodore Roosevelt]], 26th president of the United States (1901–1909)
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  • RNC]]
  • 13th and 21st]] [[United States Secretary of Defense]] (1975–1977, 2001–2006)
  • [[Marco Rubio]], a Cuban American and senior U.S. Senator from Florida
  • Official portrait of Speaker Gingrich
  • U.S. Representative [[Thaddeus Stevens]], considered a leader of the Radical Republicans, was a fierce opponent of slavery and discrimination against [[African Americans]].
  • [[Ulysses S. Grant]], 18th president of the United States (1869–1877)
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United States/Republican Party; US Republican Party; Republican Party of the United States; GOP; United States Republican party; Grand Old Party; Republican (US); U.S. Republican Party; United States Republic Party; Republican Party (US); Republican party of the United States; American Republic Party; American Republican; U.S. Republican party; Us republican party; Republican Party United States; USRepublican; United states Republican party; Republican Party (USA); United States Republican Party; Republicans (US); G.O.P.; Republican Party (U.S.); Republican party (United States); Republican Party US; Repubs; Gop; GOp; Republican Party USA; Republican Party Elephant Logo; US Republican; Republican (United States); Republican party (US); United States Republican; United States of America Republican Party; Republican party (U.S.); Republican Party(U.S.); Republican (U.S.); Republican Party, United States; Politics of us republican party; Us republican politics; US Republican party; Republican Party of America; Republican party of USA; Republican (USA); Republicans (GOP); Republican Party in the United States; Republican party in the United States; Republican elephant; Republican Party of the USA; The Republican Party (United States); The Republican Party (U.S.); The Republican Party (USA); The Republican Party (US); G.O.P. (U.S.); G.O.P. (US); G.O.P. (U.S.A.); G.O.P. (USA); GOP (U.S.); GOP (USA); GOP (US); Grand Old Party (US); Grand Old Party (USA); Grand Old Party (U.S.); Grand Old Party (United States); GOP (United States); G.O.P. (United States); Republican Governor; Party of Lincoln; Social policies of the Republican Party; Republican Party (Untied States); US republican party; American Republican Party; The party of Lincoln; Foreign policy positions of the Republican Party; Environmental policies of the United States Republican Party; The GOP; Republican Party of the U.S.; Republican Party (United States of America); Foreign policy of the Republican Party; Social policy of the Republican Party; Elephant Party; Gas and Oil Party; Economic policy of the Republican Party; Demographics of the Republican Party (United States); Voter base of the Republican Party (United States); Ideology of the Republican Party (United States); Republican Pride Coalition; Republican National Committee Pride Coalition
Grand Old Party (partito repubblicano negli Stati Uniti)
political party         
  • A [[National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party]], where policies may be set and changes can be made to party leadership
  • In ''A Block for the Wigs'' (1783), [[James Gillray]] caricatured Fox's return to power in a coalition with North. George III is the blockhead in the centre.
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  • On this 2012 Mexican ballot, voters have more than two parties to choose from.
  • was formed]] to represent German workers.
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  • Political parties like the [[Romanian Communist Party]] can arise out of, or be closely connected to, existing segments of society, such as organizations of workers.
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  • Members of the [[National Woman's Party]] in 1918
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  • In a non-partisan legislature, like the [[Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories]], every member runs and legislates as a political independent with no party affiliation.
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  • Campaign finance restrictions may be motivated by the perception that excessive or secretive contributions to political parties will make them beholden to people other than the voters.
  • It is easier for voters to evaluate one simple list of policies for each party, like this platform for the [[United Australia Party]], than to individually judge every single candidate.
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Political parties; Political Party; Politicial party; Political parti; Party politics; Political party governance; Party Political; Political affiliation; Party political; Political attitude; Party (politics); Party strengths; Party strength; Political party functions; Party member; Mass party; Regulation of political parties; Party organization; Niche party; Political attitudes
partito politico
party secretary         
Party Secretary; Secretary (political party)
segretaria del partito (responsabile per l"attività ed organizzazione del partito)


·noun An advocate of confederation; specifically (Amer. Hist.), a friend of the Constitution of the United States at its formation and adoption; a member of the political party which favored the administration of president Washington.


Federalist Party
| leader =
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Federalist Party
1. and Hamilton created a party called the Federalist Party.
2. of either the Republican or the Federalist party.
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Federalist Party
1. And it is hard to image an alliance between a federalist party and the separatist Bloc Quebecois.
2. If we are to look at a hypothetical historical parallel from American history, what Vicki is doing is like arresting leaders of the Federalist party, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton, keeping them behind bars, and then asking some shady characters within the party to reorganize and register the Federalist party anew.
3. Delegates, led by senior Lib Dem members of the European parliament, re–jected a leadership proposal to limit EU spending from 2007–2013 to 1 per cent of EU gross national product until there is fundamental reform of the EU budget, bringing the traditionally federalist party in line with the Labour government and other big donor countries.